[ ROOM19 ] Shake Your Mind !
展覽地點 / VENUE :: 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館 2-5F / Taipei National University of the Arts/Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, 2-5F Gallery
開幕酒會 / OPENING RECEPTION :: 2008.12.19 19:00
開幕表演 / OPENING PERFORMANCES :: 氣象人 / weather man + 神秘嘉賓 /special guest
即將在台北藝術大學關渡美術館展出的「ROOM 19」當代藝術展,此次策展集合了流行音樂、身體空間、社會政治學…等時尚、繽紛的探索觀點,試圖讓觀者跟隨著藝術家的腳步,徹底展閱那未知的、天馬行空的「夜」生活。飄浮的音樂,道地的潮流,關於夜的情緒與感官的觸動,就在走進ROOM 19的這一刻開啟。
本展邀請了旅居紐約久違的李小鏡,帶來他的" Jungle",以及代表台灣參加威尼斯雙年展的黃世傑,從首爾請來國際影展新銳朴炳來、東京有各大國際雙年展常勝軍田中功起,台北則有擅長互動藝術創作的「FBI Lab」,加上新生代創作團體「乒乓」及蘇匯宇、王婉瑜等。卡司堅強可謂堅強。 如果歡樂(fun)可以是政治的,那麼夜店(night club)就是某種政治實踐的場域,成為都會叢林中令人短暫放輕鬆的聖堂。
「 ROOM19 」﹦19間房 +19件作品。對應於另一家耳熟能詳的夜店,它可以是一種類比,也可以是一個房間,更可以是更多的可能性。當「 ROOM 19 」碰上 KdMoFA(關渡美術館), 將擦出怎樣的火花?談膩了夜生活,在這裡,你會發現少談的那一筆。
The upcoming contemporary art exhibition "ROOM 19" will soon be displayed in Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (Taipei National University of Arts) which combines pop music, body space, political sociology, fashion and so on in order to explore further, and spectators will follow the artists to fully enjoy the unknown and fantasy night life. At the moment you step into "ROOM 19", you will be overwhelmed by melodious notes, the genuine trend, and be inspired by night spirits.
The exhibition "ROOM 19" has invited Daniel Lee, living in New York, to bring his recent work "Jungle", and Shih Chieh Huang who participated in La Biennale di Venezia on behalf of Taiwan. Also, Park ByoungLae from Korea who is the cutting-edge artist in the international film festivals, Koki Tanaka from Japan who is the frequent award-winning artist in international biennials, and multiple media group "FBI Lab" and Ping Pang, Su Hui-yu, Wang Wan-Yu, who are great young artists in Taipei. If joy can be political, night clubs are places where politics can be demonstrated and palaces in the urban jungle where we can relax for a while.
"ROOM 19" = 19 rooms + 19 works. In comparison with the well-known night club, it can be analogy, a room, or even other possibilities.
What will happen when KdMoFA bump into "ROOM 19"? Tired of night life, you will find something missing here.
:: 策展人 / 吳達坤 CURATOR / Wu,Dar-Kuen ::
:: 參展藝術家 ::
AKIBO (台北) / FBI Lab (台北) / PTB (台北) / 王琬瑜 (台北) / 田中功起 (東京) / 朴炳來 (首爾) / 乒乓 (台北) / 李小鏡 (紐約/台北) / 李民中 (台北) / 李守連 (首爾) /
邱昭財 (台北) / 陳志建 (台北) / 陳永賢 (台北) / 黃世傑 (紐約/台北) / 凱比鳥KbN (台北) / 劉士達 + 陳家文 + 許素朱 (台北) / 劉瀚之 (台北) / 賴珮瑜 (台北) / 蘇匯宇 (台北)
AKIBO / Chen,Chia-Wen+Liu,Shih-Ta+Heu,Su-Ch / Chen,Chih-Chien / Chen,Yung-Hsien / Chiu, Chao-Tsai / FBI Lab / Huang, Shih- Chieh / KbN /
Lai,Pei-Yu / Daniel Lee / Lee, Min-Jong / Lee,Suyoun / Liu, Han-chi / Park Byoung-Lae / Ping Pang / PTB / Su, Hui-yu / Koki Tanaka / Wang, Wan Yu
:: 國立臺北藝術大學關渡美術館 ::
Taipei National University of the Arts/Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts
地址/ 臺北市112北投區學園路1號 :: Address/ 1Huseh-yuan Rd., Peitou, Taipei 112 Taiwan
交通方式 / 捷運淡水線關渡站下車,由1號出口右側候車處搭乘北藝大接駁車或搭乘大南客運紅35號公車上山
:: TRANSPORTATION / Take the MRT Danshui Line to the Kuandu Station (Exit No. 1), then take TNUA shuttle bus or Da-nan Bus Red 35 to the museum
開放時間/ 10:00-17:00(週一休館) :: Open Hours/ 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Mondays)
洽詢專線/ 02-28961000轉2432 :: Phone/ 02-28961000 ext. 2432
新聞連絡人:蔡佩穎 (02)2896-1000 #2416 , 0920-802532